I commit a lot of time to my extracurriculars. These include my high school Robotics team, TSA (Technology Student Association), Science Olympiad, Chess team, and Physics Team. Of these associations, I am the co-president and co-founder of my school's Physics team, as well as an Electrical Apprentice for my Robotics team. I am also currently the competition chair for the Science Olympiad team and Treasurer for the Chess team.
These extracurriculars, however, are only those through school clubs. At home, I have been an avid aeromodeler making UAV's and other model aircraft for several years. Projects and related competitions like these can be found on my blog.
In 2022, I and my partner achieved fourth place in technology problem solving at TSA's (Technology Student Association) State competition. The following year, we would go on to win first place, which is detailed on the respective page on this website.
I also won first place in science olympiad regionals for It's About Time which is a competition where competitors must build a timekeeping device that is tested for accuracy and then take a written test on timekeeping.
In 2023, my high school FRC (First Robotics Competition) robotics team won 5th in the world at the world championships in Houston, Texas, out of several thousands of robotics teams worldwide. This was the highest our team has placed ever in its nearly 2 decades of competition. During this season, I had been project lead of this team which is a leadership position in which one helps guide the design process for the robot.
I have taken the first two courses in the computer science pathway, and I am currently a Junior in the STEM program at Forsyth Central High School. I currently am ranked 3 in my class of 578 students and have a 4.0 unweighted GPA.
Oftentimes, I spend my weekends and free time building an aircraft, rocket, or robot. On this website, you can see the various such projects that I do ranging from circuitry to designing a CNC machine. Initially, these projects started out as nothing more than a hobby. Now, they have become so much more by helping others with the same few tools that I once had to accomplish something great.
Engineering is a vast field, whose foundations are built upon science and math. To build all these grand projects you see on this website, I had to first learn concepts in physics and math as well as computer science to be able to do so. This is the reason why I learned core concepts like fluid dynamics, kinematics, circuitry, and electrical theory, as well as some coding languages like Python, HTML, and C++. Now, physics is one of my favorite subjects, which is what led to me starting the physics team at my school as I mentioned in a previous section.
Kavin Prakash
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