This CNC machine is designed to give a hobbyist the ability to make a precision tool on a budget. Most of the parts for this build can be found on and, as well as a multitude of other vendors, which is where I sourced the materials for my own build. The rest of the parts must be 3D printed, and which is which is indicated on the GrabCad page where the CAD files can be found. You can access this page by clicking the button to the right. These parts are:
Once these parts are acquired, the assembly process is fairly straightforward. Firstly, your aluminum box extrusion will have to be cut to length to the lengths specified in the CAD model. This can be done with a hacksaw, or preferably a bandsaw for more precise cuts. Then, you will have to drill holes for the gussets, 3d prints, and clearance for the stepper motors yourself as shown on the CAD assembly. This can also be done with a hand drill but would be better done with a drill press. After that, press the ball bearings into the respective 3d printed holder, and then press the linear bearings where indicated on the 3d prints according to the CAD. Then, the parts can simply be assembled with screws quite intuitively, also according to the CAD models. It's as simple as that! The manufacturing difficulty was kept especially to a minimum on this design such that even novice engineers can affordably get their hands on a CNC machine with the lowest risk of failure possible.
The EZPZ CNC machine is a precision CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine that the average engineering hobbyist can build with very few tools and for under $300, to allow an at-home hobbyist to cut and mill precision parts on a budget.
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Kavin Prakash
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